Chloride Reduction
Help us help the environment

Culligan's Commitment to the Environment
The city of Avon has recently launched an initiative to significantly reduce the amount of chlorides in sewer discharge to the sanitary waste treatment plant, as mandated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). One key step in the process, is to lower excess salt coming from water softener regeneration discharge.
With our natural, hard water in the region, we need water softeners. This important and valuable home appliance reduces contaminants and hard water minerals that may exist in your water supply which cause excessive soap/detergent use, damage to water using appliances and fixtures and increased energy costs in your water heater.
This Softener Optimization Program asks water treatment companies to gain access to your home and lower the softener salt use settings and adjust the frequency of regeneration. As the industry leader, Culligan water will optimize your current water softener (We service and maintain most makes and models – not just Culligan) and/or discuss additional options with you to save future water and salt costs.
The four-step Optimization Process will result in the following:
- An on-site water test and site survey of fixture counts and residence occupancy to establish water usage and optimal system settings
- A thorough existing system check for leaks that could be leading to wasting water and inefficiencies with your softener
- Re-setting the amount of salt and water used per regeneration to obtain maximum efficiency of the resin bed
- Options for adding "demand-initiated regeneration" to replace outdated time-clock technologies as well as adding/replacing old or expired resin in the softener tank
- Recommendations on the best type of salt to use in your system, we recommend solar salt crystals for consistent performance results and virtually no impurities
At Culligan water, we are committed to exceeding our customer's expectations by providing products and services of the highest standard. We look forward to hearing from you to schedule your Softener Optimization at a time and date convenient for you! If you have questions and wish to contact our office for more free, no obligation advice, please contact us for prompt service.
Contact Culligan water with any questions or concerns.
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